About PSGamingZone

PSGamingZone is a website with tips and tutorials for the Sony PlayStation 5 video game console and video games.

In March 2023, PSGamingZone.com was created as a hobby by EasyTech, my pseudonym. EasyTech has been interested in technology since the early '90s, starting with playing video games on a Commodore 64 computer, followed by DOS, Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows ME computers. On Windows XP, his computer use began to encompass more than just gaming, leading to a deeper understanding of computers. Then came Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and 11. EasyTech never used Windows Vista.

EasyTech has also expanded his computer knowledge to GNU/Linux, including Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, Manjaro, Arch Linux, Raspberry Pi OS, and Debian.

EasyTech didn't only play video games on computers; he also started console gaming with the PlayStation 1, then went on to the PlayStation 2, 3, and now the PlayStation 5.

Smartphones are another interest of EasyTech, especially Android smartphones. EasyTech never cared much about iPhones. While there's nothing wrong with iPhones, they just aren't EasyTech's thing. However, EasyTech did use Windows Phone.

Another interest of EasyTech is web development and web design. He learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, and about HUGO (the static site generator he uses for this website), Netlify, Cloudflare Pages, and Google Firebase.

EasyTech keeps learning new things about technology and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and changes.

As you can see, EasyTech's experience with technology goes back for over 30 years.

EasyTech owns three websites, EasyTechGuides.com, PSGamingZone.com, and DutchTechTips.com, and three YouTube channels, EasyTechGuides, PSGamingZone, and DutchTechTips.